There Are Some People...

Photographic Album from People With Rheumatoid Diseases Association Of Crete

The Protagonists


I gathered all the threads I found in my life. Multiple colors, like my family, but dark as well. I did not choose them, but I accepted them all. The result is a wonderful weft that I would never change.

There are some people
that felt the pain
of having weights tied to their limbs...
There are some people
… but kept weaving the thread of life
with a smile!
There are some people
…. that the needle of pain
pierced limbs...
There are some people
… but never made it to their soul!
There are some people
If you peak through the window of life …
… there are people that
lavishly persisted in love!
There are some people
… but as you walk below their window,
they will always welcome you with a smile!